Explanation of Meets and Fees:
The monthly fees cover training costs, coaching and facilities and other ancillary items. They also contribute to the overall operation of the team of course. They do not cover the cost of running or attending swim meets.
The meet/entry fees go towards the delivery of that specific event whether we are the host team or not. 20% of all fees go straight to Mid Atlantic Swimming who also set the price at $10 per event. In the case where we are hosting the meet the additional income would go towards facility rental, facility usage costs and hospitality.
The admission cost is $9 per swimmer for the entire meet. We do not charge per session or day at the door. This $9 is set by Mid Atlantic Swimming. We collect it this way to avoid our staff/volunteers handling a great amount of cash at these events. We have had safety concerns about this in the past and moved away from that model. We collect less income doing it this way but feel it is a better model.
The coaching fees go directly to staffing the meets and the expenses that are accrued to do this. This is for the majority of our part time staff who should be paid for their time and expertise.
When can you expect to be charged?
Home/Local meets: up to a $25.00 staffing charge
These charges are per athlete.